JavaScript for tools
TypeScript is a language for application-scale JavaScript development.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.
Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.
Design Goals
- Extend JavaScript for writing large apps (superset of JavaScript).
- Adds support for classes, interfaces & modules.
- Development tooling support
- Compiled JavaScript runs in any browser (or Node.js).
- Since JavaScript code is TypeScript code you can start off with JavaScript and just add some types here and there.
What TypeScript does is, it basically formalizes a static type system that describes JavaScript's dynamic types, but it describes them at development time.
Anders Hejlsberg
Tooling Support
- Static type checking.
- Strong type inference.
- Symbol-based navigation.
- Statement completion / intellisense.
- Code refactoring.
Currently supported in Visual Studio 2012
and Microsoft's Monaco web editor (TypeScript.org playground).
Also, text editor support for Sublime Text, EMACS, Vim.
Visual Studio 2012
Plugin available to download.
npm install -g typescript
Provides a command-line compiler.
tsc source.ts
File Extensions
is the extension for source files.
is the extension for declaration files.
Declaration Source Files
- Provide type definitions, separate from the corresponding source.
- Analogous to header files in C/C++..
- Can be used to describe the exported virtual TypeScript types of a JavaScript library or module when a third-party developer consumes it from TypeScript.
- Gives type safety, intellisense and compile errors.
- DOM and jQuery provided with TypeScript.
- Write your own for any existing JavaScript library / code.
Type Annotations
- Optional static typing.
- Lightweight way to record the intended contract of a function or variable.
- Applied using a post-fix syntax.
- Ideally suited to when the
: T
is optional.
function add(a: number, b: number) {
return a + b;
- Return type of the function can be inferred.
- Supports optional types via
- All types are subtypes of a single top type called the
- Represents any JavaScript value with no constraints.
Primitive Types
Object Types
- Class, module, interface and literal types.
- Supports typed arrays:
var reports: Employee[] = [];
Arrow Function Expressions
- New feature planned for ECMAScript 6.
- Compact form of function expressions that omit the function keyword.
- Similar to lambda expressions in C#.
- Lexical scoping of
var messenger = {
message: "Hello World",
start: function() {
setTimeout(() => { alert(this.message); }, 3000);
window.onmousemove = e => {
console.log('Mouse at ('+e.screenX+','+e.screenY+')');
- Support for ECMAScript 6 alike classes.
- Methods are translated into JavaScript prototype chain - more memory efficient than using closures with anonymous functions.
or private
member accessibility.
- Parameter property declarations via constructor.
- Supports single-parent inheritance.
- Derived classes make use of
calls to parent.
class Animal {
constructor(public name) { }
move(meters) {
alert(this.name + " moved " + meters + "m.");
class Snake extends Animal {
move() {
class Horse extends Animal {
move() {
- Designed for development tooling support only.
- No output when compiled to JavaScript.
- Structural type system - interfaces are automatically implemented by any object/prototype that complies structurally.
- Supports overload by parameter signature.
- Open for extension (may declare across multiple files).
- Supports implementing multiple interfaces.
interface Drivable {
start(): void;
drive(distance: number): void;
getPosition(): number;
class Car implements Drivable {
private isRunning: bool = false;
private distanceFromStart: number;
public start(): void {
this.isRunning = true;
public drive(distance: number): void {
if (this.isRunning) {
this.distanceFromStart += distance;
public getPosition(): number {
return this.distanceFromStart;
Note interfaces have no run-time representation - they are purely a compile-time construct.
Structual Types
interface Person {
firstname: string;
lastname: string;
function greeter(person: Person) {
return "Hello, " + person.firstname + " " + person.lastname;
var user = {firstname: "Jane", lastname: "User"};
Note that strutural typing also applies to interface methods.
- Analagous to .NET namespaces.
- Prevents global variable naming collisions.
- Closely aligned with those proposed for ECMAScript 6.
- Supports code generation targeting CommonJS and AMD module systems.
- Accessibility for
and external
- Allows exposing a public API.
interface IPoint {
getDist(): number;
module Shapes {
// Class exported for public consumption
export class Point implements IPoint {
// Constructor
constructor (public x: number, public y: number) { }
// Instance member
getDist() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }
// Static member
static origin = new Point(0, 0);
var p: IPoint = new Shapes.Point(3, 4);
var dist = p.getDist();
Source File Dependencies
- Compiler automatically determines a source file's dependencies.
- Uses reference comments and
- All references are analysed for their dependencies.
- Visual Studio uses these references to load all associated source files from a single
Reference comment
/// <reference path="jquery.d.ts"/>
Import declaration
import log = module("log");
Source Map Support
- Alleviates the debugging issues that are raised by *-to-JavaScript compilers and JavaScript minifiers.
- You aren't debugging the code that you wrote.
- Source maps fixes this; it works like magic!
- A way to map combined / minified files back to their unbuilt state.
- TypeScript team have done the hard work for us by providing a Source Map generator in the compiler.
- Allows debugging and breakpoints from
tsc -sourcemap example.ts
- Requires either Chrome Canary or WebKit nightly.
- Not yet supported by Visual Studio 2012.
- ... but available via Web Essentials 2012 plugin.
Self hosting
- Compiler is written in TypeScript, so can compile itself to JavaScript.
- Can be hosted in any ECMAScript 3 compatible runtime.
- Can host the compiler in a web browser by referencing
Hosting TypeScript Compiler
1. Create an html file with a reference to typescript.js
<script type="text/javascript" src="typescript.js"></script>
2. Create an output writer
var outfile = {
source: "",
Write: function (s) {
this.source += s;
WriteLine: function (s) {
this.source += s + "\n";
Close: function () { }
3. Create an instance of the TypeScript compiler
var compiler = new TypeScript.TypeScriptCompiler(outfile);
... with compilation error handling.
compiler.parser.errorRecovery = true;
compiler.setErrorCallback(function (start, len, message, block) {
console.log('Compilation error: ', message, '\n Code block: ', block, ' Start position: ', start, ' Length: ', len);
4. Add compilation source.
var src = $('#source').text();
compiler.addUnit(src, '');
... and standard lib file.
// libfile variable contains packed declaration file lib.d.ts
compiler.addUnit(libfile, 'lib.d.ts');
5. Compile.
compiler.emit(false, function createFile(fileName) {
return outfile;
console.log('compiled: ' + outfile.source);
Why use TypeScript?
- Support for ECMAScript 6 constructs (classes, modules)
in today's ECMAScript 3 compatible browsers.
- Open Source, under the Apache 2.0 license, and available to download on codeplex.
- Tooling support, for type safety, inference and refactoring.
- Static types and compilation helps catch mistakes & bugs earlier.
- Structural interfaces & typing.
- Simplicity of design, self hosting (less than 25k LoC).
- Works well with existing projects.
- Compiles to idiomatic JavaScript.
- Anders Hejlsburg is involved.
- Enables programming in the large.
Why not?
- Additional compilation step for JavaScript development.
- Only at version 0.8
- Bugs, for example implementing an interface ignores the access modifiers when compiling, but fails at runtime.
- Limited availability of resources & libraries
(can use any existing JavaScript, albeit with limited type saftey and tooling support).
- No support for generics (yet, but is defined in spec).
- All types are nullable.
- Limited tooling support outside of Visual Studio 2012 or Monaco web editor.
Static typing does confer some very relevant value.
Typically it does so at the cost of flexibility, but this brings a lot of the benefits to JavaScript in an optional way, which is very powerful.